August 18, 2021
4 Tips for Successful Software Implementation
We know that once organizations cross the software purchase finish line, they want the software to work...and fast. Read on to learn 4 action items customers can do post software purchase to achieve a quick and painless software implementation.
August 10, 2021
Electric Utilities and the Fight Against Forest Fires: How Data and System Integration Can Help
With Utility equipment often at blame for these deadly wildfires, what are Utilities organizations doing to curb their impact on wildfire origination, and where does data and system integration come in?
August 4, 2021
Geonexus Integration Platform and SAP PI/PO: Two Different Approaches to SAP – GIS Integration
The combined power of GIS and SAP cannot be overstated. There are a few methods to integrate GIS and SAP to fully leverage their combined power, including SAP Process Integration and Process Orchestration (PI/PO) and the Geonexus Integration Platform. Learn how they stack up.
July 1, 2021
Back to Basics: Simplifying the Asset Swap Out Process
Don’t let the asset swap out process wreak havoc on your organization’s data quality and integrity between GIS and EAM systems. Learn how your organization can get ahead of this issue.
October 27, 2020
The Geonexus Brand Evolution
Learn about the Geonexus brand evolution and renewed focus on system integration and data quality for asset-intensive organizations.
July 23, 2019
The Growing Importance of Integration in “Extending GIS to the Edge”
Users want to know what is happening to their enterprise data as it moves between multiple systems to ensure its integrity. With many solutions, this transparency is lacking or non-existent. We enable GIS to go beyond the Edge by providing a platform for integration.