
Unlocking Near-Real Time Data Synchronization: A Look into the Modern Utility Landscape


As our lives become increasingly intertwined with modern technology, there has been a growing, subconscious expectation among customers  for prompt access to data in their daily interactions. This heightened sense of urgency has become a fundamental landmark to increased satisfaction for customers, driving the critical need to seamlessly integrate modern technology into current organizational practices. The desire for customer satisfaction is no longer a standalone metric; it is intricately linked with the broader landscape of organizational improvements. This technological evolution is not merely about keeping pace but demands additional layers of transparency, accuracy, and timely communication.  

Nowhere is this paradigm shift more evident than in the utility sector, where the standards set by customers and regulating agencies for communication and transparency are immense. Simultaneously, there is a pressing need for advancements in operational efficiency, including technology advancements, sustainability goals, and grid modernization objectives. In response to the increased demand for sustainability, a shift in energy consumption, and the ever-growing compliance and regulatory needs, the industry finds itself steering towards a crucial trend – the need for Near-Real Time Integration (NRT). In this context, we turn our attention to the Geonexus Integration Platform (GIP), which recently introduced the new NRT functionality as a powerful solution for utilities navigating this evolution. Through real-world applications and success stories, we uncover the multifaceted benefits of NRT integration. From heightened operational efficiency to advanced customer engagement and fortified asset reliability, NRT integration emerges as a pivotal tool in meeting not only the expectations of a digital-savvy customer base but also the high standards set by the industry for communication, transparency, and operational excellence. 

Evolution of Integration in Utilities 

The evolution of integration in utilities signifies a significant departure from traditional custom-code approaches to the dynamic era of near-real-time integration. Historically, utilities grappled with inefficiencies, enduring prolonged waits for synchronization under the constraints of custom-code systems. However, a paradigm shift unfolded as technology advancements and the imperative of heightened customer satisfaction take center stage. This marked the emergence of near-real-time integration, ushering in an era where data flows swiftly and decisively, aligning utilities with the demands of a digital age characterized by instant access and real-time insights. 

The Need for Near-Real-Time Integration in Modern Utilities 

The motivations behind the transformative shift in utilities are multifaceted, driven by an increasing demand for operational efficiency, compliance with regulations, and the heightened expectations of customers. For asset-intensive organizations like utilities, the adoption of near-real-time (NRT) integration is particularly crucial, revolutionizing work orders, inventory management, and outage responses. This strategic shift allows utilities to navigate the complexities of asset management with agility and precision, minimizing downtime and optimizing resource allocation.

In this evolution, customer expectations play a pivotal role. Customers no longer perceive utilities as mere service providers; they expect a dynamic engagement where reporting and tracking outages are seamlessly integrated into their digital experience. The urgency is palpable with increased demand for real-time updates, immediate responsiveness, and the ability to interact effortlessly within applications or online platforms. For example, a recent study by Mckinsey and Company found that in the event of an outage, a whopping 50% of customer satisfaction is generated by data driven factors including “information timeliness, clarity, and ease of access,” with the other 50% focusing on the actual “outage frequency and duration.” The integration of user-friendly mobile apps empowers customers to actively engage in outage reporting, fostering a collaborative relationship. As utilities navigate this intersection of customer expectations and technological evolution, the imperative for near-real-time integration becomes not just a strategic choice but a necessity to meet the heightened standards of a customer base accustomed to the instantaneous access afforded by the digital age.

Exploring Geonexus Integration Platform’s Near-Real-Time Functionality 

In the realm of near-real-time (NRT) integration, the Geonexus Integration Platform plays a pivotal role in NRT integration by facilitating seamless data management, offering utilities unparalleled efficiency in handling transactional data. This can be seen through the below use cases for Peoples Natural Gas.   

Use Case 1: Outage Management System 

During the testing phase of NRT, Peoples Gas embarked on designing an outage management system. The challenge was to swiftly transport outage points to ArcGIS Online (AGOL) for customers to visualize outages in the area. Leveraging NRT functionality, Geonexus now expedites the identification, location, and transmission of outage points, ensuring a quicker response and heightened data accuracy. 

Use Case 2: Tracking and Traceability 

Peoples Natural Gas maximizes Near Real-Time Integration for streamlined data gathering in new construction projects. Employing GPS tracking and Traceability (T&T), the system efficiently collects project data, promptly informing pipeline contractors about upcoming projects and those ready for data collection. This seamless process ensures instant dispatch of project shapefiles, with data synchronization occurring in real-time, providing immediate access to critical information. 

Use Case 3: Design Application 

In the intricate pipeline projects at Peoples Gas, accuracy and up-to-date data are paramount. This includes critical information for laying pipes underground, designing roads, sidewalks, and various facilities. With Near Real-Time Integration (NRT), data is instantaneously accessible to designers in the office. They seamlessly leverage this information with the ArcGIS plugin, visualizing it in AutoCAD. The real-time data access streamlines pipeline projects, contributing to enhanced efficiency in the design phase.


In the swiftly evolving landscape of utilities, the rise of near-real-time (NRT) integration is reshaping how organizations handle the immense significance of data. From revolutionizing work orders to enhancing outage responses, NRT integration aligns with the multifaceted expectations of modern utilities, ensuring agility and precision in asset management. It’s not just a response to operational challenges but a strategic shift that fosters collaborative customer relationships through user-friendly mobile apps. 

As utilities pave the way with NRT integration, they position themselves as responsive, efficient entities prepared to meet the evolving demands of a technologically engaged clientele. The Geonexus Integration Platform plays a pivotal role, offering unparalleled efficiency in managing transactional data and paving the way for the use of near-real-time integration. 

About Geonexus 

At Geonexus our mission is to ensure integrity and reliability of enterprise data to support effective decision making. Our Integration Platform is an enterprise-grade integration solution that is easy to use, reliable, and includes out-of-the-box connectors for Esri® ArcGIS®, IBM® Maximo, SAP®, ABB® Ellipse, Oracle® Utilities, and other leading enterprise systems. Asset-intensive organizations across the globe use the Geonexus Integration Platform in industries including utilities, telecommunications, pipeline, transportation, and government.      

Ready to take your data integration to the next level with Near-Real Time Functionality? Explore the full range of Geonexus Technologies’ solutions and capabilities on our website.  

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