
Synchronizing Work Order Updates from IBM Maximo to Esri ArcGIS in Near Real-Time with GIP

In this demo, we will showcase how changes made to work orders in Maximo are updated in near-real time on the GIS Map Viewer and vice versa, using the Geonexus Integration Platform’s (GIP) advanced synchronization capabilities. Experience the power of bi-directional updates, ensuring near-real time propagation of changes between Esri and Maximo. Learn how a no-code integration approach reduces project costs and timeline and how easy connection, configuration, and customization can be – all through the Geonexus Integration Platform’s intuitive user interface.

Demo Workflow:

  1. Assign a Hydrant Asset to a Work Order in Maximo and see it reflected on the GIS Map by GIP.
  2. Update the Work Order with a different Hydrant Asset in Maximo and observe it reflected on the GIS Map by GIP.
  3. Update the Work Order with a new Status in Maximo and see it reflected on the GIS Map by GIP.
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