
The Geonexus Brand Evolution

This month, GeoNexus celebrated its 11th birthday so this seemed like the perfect time to communicate our brand evolution and how we are more focused than ever on system integration and data quality for asset-intensive organizations.

Since founding the company on October 13, 2009, our brand identity has evolved as we have continued to refine our core focus as a company. Below is a brief timeline that shows the evolution of the Geonexus brand.

About a year ago, we began an effort to realign our brand identity with our vision and core focus of data integration and data integrity. We worked closely with a brand consulting firm to conduct internal and external interviews and create a brand identity and message that fits us today and into the future.

The following are key elements of our new brand identity:

  • Company Name – We dropped the word “Technologies” from our name while retaining Geonexus given the brand equity we have established and did not want to lose.
  • Logo – Our new logo is a refresh with our new color scheme and emphasis on “integration” with the “X”
  • Tagline – Our tag line changed from “Ensuring Integrity of Enterprise Data” to “Systems Connected. Integrity Ensured.” This places emphasis on our core focus of both system integration and data integrity.
  • Products – To eliminate confusion between our company name and products we decided to eliminate branding for individual software products and align our capabilities under the Geonexus brand. The software capabilities which may be delivered as separate installable modules are all branded under Geonexus as part of the Geonexus Integration Platform. The Geonexus Integration Platform provides capabilities related to data integration, application integration, and data quality.

Early 2021, we will release the Geonexus Integration Platform as the culmination of this rebranding effort. The new platform will include additional enterprise system connectors and provide for synchronization of multiple systems that share enterprise data.

Watch the video below to learn more about the background behind our rebranding from our Founder & CEO Skip Heise:

Interested in learning more about Geonexus and what’s behind our brand evolution? Visit us at or contact us at

We would love to show you what our Geonexus Integration Platform can do for you and your team. Submit your information, and we’ll be in touch.


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