May 18, 2023
Maximizing Tracking and Traceability: The Benefits of Integrated Data for Utilities
Learn how the Geonexus Integration Platform enhances workflows such as asset tagging, inspection and maintenance tracking, and leak detection.
May 8, 2023
The Importance of Maintaining GN-UN Alignment When Migrating to the Utility Network
To avoid running into issues during the move to the UN, integration solutions like the Geonexus Integration Platform can be used to synchronize data between the GN and UN.
April 24, 2023
How Process Automation Prevents Burnout for IT and GIS Professionals
97% of IT and GIS professionals experience burnout thanks to the repetitive nature of their job. Integration can help lower that number through process automation and more.
March 16, 2023
How Utilities Can Innovate with Off-the-Shelf Software
It’s notoriously difficult for large utilities to innovate in-house for various reasons. Off-the-shelf software can help bring innovation back to the utility industry.
March 1, 2023
Preparing for Electrification with Integrated Data
Increased renewable adoption means the electrification of fossil fuel-dominated necessities like vehicles and heating is more enticing, but the increase in energy consumption is going to bring some new challenges to the table.
February 23, 2023
How Integrated Data Powers Customer Satisfaction
These days, customers expect more than just reliable service from their utility providers. Behind all these advancements, one important tool has emerged as an innovation enabler: integrated data.
February 1, 2023
Integrating Beyond ArcGIS and Maximo: Why Bother?
There’s extremely valuable data stored in CIS, or other solutions built using a relational database (RDBMS) that, like ArcGIS and Maximo data, can be synchronized to achieve powerful results.
January 3, 2023
Year in Review: 2022 Content Revisited
As we look forward to the new year, it's also important to reflect on the most important themes from 2022. Take a look back at Geonexus content that encapsulates these themes.
December 14, 2022
Modernizing Customer Service with CIS-GIS Integration
The utility industry is in the middle of a digital revolution – especially when it comes to customer information. CIS-GIS integration is now more important than ever.